Welcome to the European typewriters Gallery! M60 Home

05.01.2017: The Mellow 60s Museum's European collection is finally joining its online family. Typewriters in the collection but not yet photographed or uploaded are in black.
By very far, not all pending European typewriters are shown in the list!

A nice photo of an Olympia SM3.

Antares Parva

Bing 2


Cole Steel



Facit T2

Hermes Baby

Hermes Gallery

Imperial 55

Mignon 4

Olivetti Gallery

Olympia SM3

Olympia Gallery


Rooy (MJ)

Rooy Gallery



A divider bar running center across the bottom of the page.

The content of this website, text, photos, and artworks are protected by U. S. copyright, 2013. Images are proprietary and may not be used without permission of the museum. Have any comments? Questions? Contact mellow60s@earthlink.net

This is a .gif file of a long horizontal divider bar.
Logo of Typex, a quarterly typewriter publication by Mike Brown TOP

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Logo for ETC with ETC text, Home of the Early Typewriter 
				Collectors' Association