Photo of a bright red stamped metal Cohn Cub Reporter toy typewriter with circular letter index wheel. The Mellow 60s Museum Photo of a stamped metal dark green Simplex 15 toy typewriter. It has a somewhat realistic angled grey keyboard with printed flat faux keys. Though the circular index is retained on this later model Simplex, a simple carriage moves the paper beneath the selected letter and advances after the letter has been pressed down onto the sheet.
Toy Typewriter Collection
1.7.2015: The Tipp, Tom Thumb, and Unique pages are under construction. Many more vintage and antique toy typewriters will be here soon!

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American Flyer


Buddy L





A photo of a Barclay cast metal typing soldier at a typing table with a small typewriter. A photo of a Simplex toy typewriter advertisement.




Tipp Co.

Tom Thumb


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Logo of Typex, a quarterly typewriter publication by Mike Brown TOP

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