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This 1978 toy typewriter from Buddy L is a lovely pale blue plastic.
			The typewriter keys are white with black letters. There is a rounded scoop in the base part of the body
			that gives it a classical look. The space bar is integrated into the frame. The typebar cover is a lighter blue and lifts to expose the keybars and ribbon spools (a proprietary Buddy L ribbon and spool is required). The platen is black with white platen twirlers. For a toy, it works remarkably well.

This 1978 toy typewriter from Buddy L is a lovely pale blue plastic. The typewriter keys are white with black letters. There is a rounded scoop in the base part of the body that gives it a classical look. The space bar is integrated into the frame. The typebar cover is a lighter blue and lifts to expose the keybars and ribbon spools (a proprietary Buddy L ribbon and spool is required). The platen is black with white platen twirlers. For a toy, it works remarkably well.

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